Thank you for this post. Peterson's words have changed my worldview quite a bit. Educated in the liberal tradition, I believe that the problem we have with the universities today is that they mostly teach students (me included) how to "cast blames" on others, e.g., be it the structure or the individual who they see as having more privilege than other people.
What I learn from Jordan Peterson's teaching is that once we're so absorbed by such thinking -- that we are never to be blamed as it's someone else who have created a system to suppress us, we take the so-called "moral high ground" which stops us from looking at ourselves as having any responsibilities at all. I'd been living in that unrealistic self-cherished loop for years, believing that it'd never been my faults for the problems I was having. I looked around and also found that people around me were no better; they're galvanized by the concepts such as "gaslighting," and "bullying" so much that they had no idea that they do had a choice. That is, people around me and myself simply stopped thinking that, perhaps, some of the problems that we had and we shared was our own misstep or wrongdoing -- or that we also shared a fair deal of the problems. This knowledge of goal. Once I learned this from Peterson, I have gotten myself out of the hole that I had, for years, dug for myself.