I like these advices very much, so thank you Michael.
For me, I think the main idea of your advices is that, at 41, one should feel comfortable with who he or she is. This means that one has to spend more time looking inward (e.g., practice writing instead of watching TV and let the media give you the world full of biases) rather than outward, being mindful (e.g., knowing what really matters for you personally rather than trying to impress other) rather than friend-ful, and living healthily rather than hedonistically (e.g., eating vegetables and walking rather than hanging out everyday with red meat and alcohol now that we know how bad they are to the body and mind — thank you science).
These are all very useful advices. I, too, follow your words by trying to reflect and respond to every post on Medium that I see. It keeps my brain in check and it allows me to retain more meaningful information for a long, long, long, term use.